OBD Requirements
Project Basics
Requirements are often stored in multiple systems engineering tools across businesses. This does not allow for requirements to be shared or allocated across the business. Teamcenter® Systems Engineering had been the tool of choice for storage and work management for On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) requirements, however in an effort to utilize a tool common across the business, OBD requirements and work management were migrated to PTC Integrity.

Benefits Realized
The data structure for TcSE and Integrity are quite different and there is not a way to directly move data from one system to the other. Additionally, Teamcenter ® Systems Engineering was set to be decommissioned, which added tight time constraints to the project.
Created a data model and architecture for the OBD requirements schema in TcSE and worked with Integrity developers to recreate this within the Integrity tool.
Created a gap analysis report of new data structure.
Migrated all data and linkages from TcSE to Integrity. 10,000 requirements and 25,000 links in all.
Created and delivered training on the new data structure and management processes.
Harmonization of data across business.
Requirement flowdown and traceability from source to end user.
Meeting migration deadlines ahead of schedule.
Cost savings by the decommissioning of TcSE, a redundant tool.